Is it time yet?
A year ago, the company I work for transitioned to a remote-only style, like the majority of all software developers in the world. With that, we stopped speaking face to face, and ended up hearing each other only via online meetings.
After one year, I have adapted fully to this way of working, and honestly I’d like to not go back. The freedom I got because of this change is unrivalred. Work where I want, in my chosen environment, free.
ONE thing that took longer time than usual to get used to, has been REMEMBERING that there are meetings. When you have days packed with back-to-back meetings, keeping open a page of Google Calendar does not necessarily help in telling you “hey, you got a call in 1 minute, wrap it up!”.
I adapted to this in my way: I created a simple app, “Is it time yet?”, which shows me countdowns for all my upcoming meetings, be it on the browser or on the phone.
I replaced my Google Calendar screen with a countdown list, and it made my life easier, because I only need A GLANCE to understand if there is a meeting coming up soon! There are different sizes and colors, depending on how close the next meeting will be.
This has been a true life-hack for me. Have you found any good hacks in your remote lives?
P.s. it works great also to keep track of Formula 1/2/3 events! :D